What Would You Do if Money Were No Object?

I’ll live to be 93, perhaps a cat lady in a two-story black house on a hill.

Natasha Hawthorn
5 min readAug 24, 2021

The Smurfs were on to something. Each individual knew what they were good at, their natural talents, what they were inspired to do, and they stayed in that lane. Together, they were able to provide all the needs for every Smurf in the community without any one of them having to be a slave to a nine to five job they hated or a boss that took them for granted.

Our society is so out of kilter.

I knew at a young age what I wanted to be: a writer. Credit it to Mrs. Abalon, a second-grade teacher, who complimented my reading skills and suggested I’d make a good news anchor on television. She also made mention on report cards of my inclination toward writing. So did other teachers throughout my educational career, which deepened my dedication to the craft.

I won speech competitions in junior high and wrote for the high school paper.

In the present day, having turned 49 this month, I’m a freelancer who earns my living paid by the word.

It’s not what I thought it would be. I imagined I’d be writing best-selling novels, not ghostwriting website content and how-to articles for all things SEO. Still, I’m earning a living doing what…



Natasha Hawthorn

Copywriter by trade; storyteller by nature. For fun, I like to evolve.