It’s Time I Do Some Shadow Work

Facing the darker aspects of myself

Natasha Hawthorn
4 min readNov 14, 2021
Photo by Reno Laithienne on Unsplash

Shadow work isn’t something I’ve delved into before. In fact, I avoided it because I already had so much darkness via bipolar disorder and PTSD that I didn’t need to dig up more negativity. I wasn’t ready.

Husband says things that make me mad, that crawl under my skin, that make me disassociate. But that doesn’t mean his accusations aren’t true. I do demand his time and throw fits if he wants to spend it elsewhere — like with his son playing video games. I feel abandoned when he chooses someone or something over me. The first four years of our marriage, it was just he and I, with small, infrequent visits from his younger two children, one of whom just turned 18 and moved out of his mother’s house. The other now lives with us, and our marriage has been slowly dying since.



Natasha Hawthorn

Copywriter by trade; storyteller by nature. For fun, I like to evolve.